Sunday, April 27, 2008
Humans Aren't the Only Ones
So first major problem arose the day my husband left. We have a cat named Rawnie. The first day wasn't too bad. I worked and then came home and passed out. Well for the next week Rawnie would wait by the window or door for hours waiting for Brad to come home. At night she would sleep on his clothes that were in the closet. When I finally closed the closet doors, she figured out how to open them so she could sleep on his clothes. His pillow became her pillow. So to remedy this situation, I decided to get her a pet. I ended up heading out to the pet store and got a kitten. Believe it or not this was just what the doctor ordered. Within an hour they were chasing each other around the house and playing. The new kitten, Cleio, was a godsend for me as well. She's very cuddly so while I read she will usually come sleep on my lap. She even sleeps underneath the covers in bed! It's hard when you have pets because there's no way to explain to them that they haven't been abandoned. All they know is one day a part of there family disappeared. So you try to make them feel safe and I'll even put my husband on speakerphone when I get calls so Rawnie can hear his voice. I think it will be extremely interesting once Brad come's hoome to see how Rawnie and Cleio both act.
Marriage + Navy = Deployment
So this will be the first of many blogs hopefully! I'll start with an introduction and a little background. My name's Jenn. I'm married to a wonderful man named Brad, who just happens to be serving in the USN. God help me. I'm originally from Minnesota and we met out here in Guam. Well we got married on December 4th, 2007. We are still technically newlyweds and 54 days later he was being deployed for roughly seven months. Welcome to my world. I've learned a lot though in this short period of time. I now know to make appointments at PSD instead of going in and waiting, that I will be able to sign my name, birthdate, ssn, my husbands ssn and the date (in d/m/y format of course), always to have my id on me, and of course as soon as that plane left the ground things were going to start going wrong. I am proud of myself though. I am now able to drive a motor vehicle all by myself after getting two teeth extracted to the hospital the next day to get my pain meds. I also have figured out how to put coolant and windshield wiper fluid in our truck! I never realized though how alone I would feel. How empty an apartment can become in such a short amount of time. A lot of the time I feel as if I am the only one in the world, just kinda hanging out in limbo until my husband gets home so life can begin again. I've noticed that most people don't know how to treat us deployment wives. Our single friends are afraid to take us out for fear of us getting a little too crazy and the married ones with husbands who are home just sometimes make us long for those nights where we could cuddle with the hubby on the couch. I have decided to start this as a way to vent. To let out some of the emotions that I cannot share completely with the hubby because the last thing he needs is to be worrying about me. These are my adventures so enjoy!!!
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