Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Military Anniversary

Tommorow is my one year aniversary and of course, in the Navy fashion, my husband is in a school half a world away. It wasn't enough that he got deployed for seven months, but then they decided to send him to school for two weeks, right in the middle of which, is our anniversary. At least he'll be home for Christmas. On a happy note, I have found the joys of having to send home Christmas presents. Not only did we have to buy the gifts, but we also had to spend over 50 dollars to ship them. My luck half of them will be broken by the time they get to the mainland. Not to mention having to send out the 80 Christmas cards to family and friends.

My Christmas shopping went horrendously, which brings me back to an earlier complaint, about the locals. When I went shopping, they were swarming the store. The give aways from the exchange went mostly to local families. I mean, come on, seriously? I wish that the military, government, or someone would do something about this situation. It really isn't fair to the rest of us, when we have to compete with them. Oh well, I guess some things will never change. Happy Holidays!

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