Monday, April 13, 2009

Long Long TIme

Okay so I have been gone for a while but things have gotten a bit hectic. So here's an update.... The hubby suprised me with a German Shepherd puppy for Valentines Day. We named him Dica and he gets along wonderfully with our other dog Keona. We had a nice few months together inbetween deployments but now it is that dreaded season again. Deployment season. I will give it to the Navy for their efficiency though... THe Hubby got his deployment orders on a Friday afternoon and Monday at 6 am I was dropping him off at the airport. This one isn't so bad though, only a couple months. He'll be in for a bit and then gone again though. I'm just thankful it's not seven straight months like the last time.

So other random things that have happened is we seem to have lost our friend Andie... since I told her I couldn't take care of her daughter anymore. It wasn't her daughter at all, it was the hours Andie worked and it was starting to interfere with my marriage. Don't get me wrong I love kids and eventually want my own, but when you have a kid in your house for 300 plus hours a months and can rarely leave andeven have a date night it wears on you. The hubby and I had absolutely no us time and that wasn't fair to us especially with deployment season looming. So she doesn't talk to us anymore, which I think is shitty. She was willing to take the 300 dollar tv we gave her for free though since hers broke. I'm not kidding she took the tv on a Thursday and the last time she talked to us was Monday. Oh well. At least we learned early on about her character instead of later.

So I'm back to not working again. Which is driving me crazy. I did however pick up an appication at the NEX today and am going to fill it out in a little bit and hand it in tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back to work in a real job soon. Other than that I've spent a lot of time training the dogs, going for walks, researching posible new duty stations. All that fun stuff. Pretty soon the Hubby gets to negotiate for orders. I can't wait. It will be good to go somewhere new. So hope is well for all of you out in cyberspace. And I promise to give myself a good swift kick in the ass more to keep updating this!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Welcome back to the world of blogger :)