Monday, May 4, 2009

I Have a Squatter

So I have a squatter. One of our friend's got back from alcohol treatment and asked to stay on our couch since we have a pretty much dry household. Sounded okay at the forward two weeks. I have never gotten sick of someone so fast. This kid is irresponsible, lazy and just down rightrude. He can't pick up after himself, doesn't help at all with anything in the house, his car's registration expired so he's been using our truck and hasn't put a drop of gas in it. I have spent over 200 in gas in two weeks because when I do get a chance to have my truck it's on empty. I rarely get my computer or tv when he's at the house becuase of videogames and computer games. I am about to lose my mind. I like having a clean household and I have been stuck cleaning all day for the last two weeks just to keep up with the mess.

On a fun note, we have a third dog staying with us because her owner went on leave. She is a really sweet puppy. I was able to go to champagne brunch with friends on Sunday and that was a lot of fun. We're planning on going again this Sunday. Other than that it's really same old same old out here. Just waiting for the hubby to get home and can't wait to spend some quality time with him.


Allison said...

I'm sorry to hear about your "house guest". I hope things get better or it doesn't last much longer for you.

kitcat said...

Hi Jennifer, I'm a Navy wife who was stationed in Guam, we left in March of 08, the happiest day of my life. Like I've said to everyone who asks "Guam is a nice place to visit but not to live". My husband is a Chief and we've been in the Navy for almost 15 years. I say "we" because we met before he went to bootcamp. In Guam we lived at South Finn housing, near Anderson AFB because in 05 the former housing manager was a jerk and gave us the choice of one house across the island or nothing else. He was soon gone needless to say. It took my husband over an hour to cross the island at rush hour to get home! As for the wives there on Guam, be careful, there's nothing else to do on island except gossip. I was given that warning when I moved in from someone who actually requested to move from her house to other housing because of the wives gossip at our housing. My friends luckily were Air Force wives at Anderson because my kids went to school there (new modern school, yay!) Of course that's in most military housing, after 15 years of living in housing in the US, Europe and Asia I learned really quick and mostly keep to myself, you learn to spot the "gossipers". I've got two kids (13 and 7), a dog, a cat and a husband who's hardly home, I don't have time for high school games. Don't let it get to you or you'll go crazy.

Believe it or not, deployments will become so frequent that you won't even blink when he comes home and fits back into the routine of things. Nowadays we have football, soccer, boy scouts and school stuff that my husband just comes home from deployments and schools and says "where do you need me to be" so that he doesn't mess up our routine. It's like a puzzle, he just comes in and takes his place. It's amazing what you find yourself doing for yourself when they're gone. Even my 13 year old, I can now count on him to fix things around the house or outside and of course the computer. It makes him feel good to help me out and he's proud of himself when I tell my husband that he helped me. My 7 year old has started to help out too. It's great.

I laughed when you talked about locals being allowed to shop on base. The beginning of school and Christmas was pretty bad, everything for kids was was always gone so quickly, it would make us sooooo mad. Who would have thought we had to shop on line for school supplies! I would tell my family back home that it was like being in Cold War era Russia on some days at the Commissary, Anderson was just as bad as Big Navy.

Keep your head up there on Guam and be thankful you won't be there when the Marines get transferred there from Japan. Can you imagine Guam with thousands more people there? Take care!